OLYMP CDL is the winner of the Presidential (Republic of Kazakhstan) award ALTYN SAPA-2018
On December 11, the OLYMP CDL team became the winner of the Presidential (Republic of Kazakhstan) award Altyn Sapa - the national award for achievements in the field of quality!
The award from the hands of Timur Kulibayev, the Chairman of the Presidium of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan Atameken, was given to Yerlan Suleimenov, CEO of OLYMP CDL. ⠀
This award is another proof of the quality of the services provided by OLYMP CDL, which we have confirmed at the highest level!
We thank our great team for their contribution at all stages of production, and most importantly, the Kazakhstan citizens for their choice! This is our VICTORY!
The Award Altyn Sapa is awarded to enterprises for achieving significant results in the field of product or service quality, for ensuring their safety, and also for introducing highly effective quality management methods by the organization. All these indicators need confirmation from the Independent Competition Commission.