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Promotion in March! Thyroid Examination Complete Profile from March 1 to 31, 2025

10,080 ₸ Instead15,900 ₸

Thyroid gland functions are reflected in every organ of our body

Profile composition: 

  • TSH (thyroid hormone) ultra-sensitive
  • T4 (thyroxine) free
  • Anti-TPO
  • T3 (triiodothyronine) free
  • Anti-TG (antibodies to thyroglobulin).


Price for each test separately is 15 900 tenge

Price by promotion is 10 080 tenge


Thyroid gland is an organ of the endocrine system located in the front part of the neck. It produces hormones that regulate metabolism, growth, development and other processes. Disturbances in the thyroid gland can lead to health problems.

The main thyroid disorders are:

  • Hypothyroidism which is a condition when the thyroid gland does not produce enough hormones. Symptoms include fatigue, weight gain, dry skin, brittle nails and hair, depression, and memory problems.
  • Hyperthyroidism which is a condition when the thyroid gland produces excessive amounts of hormones. It is manifested by increased irritability, weight loss, rapid heartbeat, increased sweating, and hand tremors.
  • Nodular goiter means formation of nodules in the thyroid tissue. It may be asymptomatic or cause a feeling of pressure in the neck area, difficulty swallowing.
  • Autoimmune thyroiditis which is chronic inflammation of the thyroid gland caused by the immune system attacking its own cells. It can lead to a gradual decline in gland function and the development of hypothyroidism.

Symptoms need to be paid attention to:

  • Constant fatigue and weakness
  • Changes in body weight
  • Dry skin, brittle nails, hair loss.
  • Menstrual disorders
  • Heart palpitations
  • Lumpy throat, difficulty swallowing


TSH ultrasensitive

  • Is a pituitary hormone that regulates the thyroid gland. It controls the synthesis of the major thyroid hormones, T3 and T4. Changes in TSH levels may indicate hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism.

T4 (thyroxine) free

  • Is the main thyroid hormone that regulates metabolism, nervous system function, cardiovascular activity, and energy levels in the body. Elevated T4 may indicate hyperthyroidism, Graves' disease, or inflammation of the thyroid gland. Decreased T4 is common in hypothyroidism, iodine deficiency, and autoimmune thyroiditis (Hashimoto's disease).

T3 (triiodothyronine) free

  • Is the active form of thyroid hormone formed by the conversion of thyroxine (T4) in body tissues. T3 affects the acceleration of metabolic processes, regulation of body temperature, nervous and cardiovascular systems


  • Are antibodies directed against an enzyme involved in the synthesis of thyroid hormones. Elevated levels of anti-TPO often indicate autoimmune diseases such as Hashimoto's thyroiditis.


  • Are antibodies to a protein precursor to thyroid hormones. Elevated anti-TG levels are often associated with Hashimoto's thyroiditis, Graves' disease, and nodular goiter