OLYMP CDL is 9 years old!
January 18, 2016. OLYMP CDL is 9 years old. During this time we have become the leaders of the laboratory diagnostics market in Kazakhstan. All this has become possible due to the high quality of our work, professionalism of our staff and individual attitude to each client.
In 9 years we have achieved a lot:
∙ Received accreditation for compliance with the requirements of the international standard ISO 15189:2012 "Medical laboratories. Quality requirements and competence";
∙ Became an official partner of the largest laboratory centers in Europe "Synlab" and "Limbach", which allowed us to expand the range of unique and rare diagnostic tests;
∙Opened more than 180 treatment rooms.
We express our gratitude to our partners, clients - all those who ensure the improvement of the quality of services provided and contribute to the development of OLYMP CDL on a daily basis.