30 April 2021

Coronavirus detection in 15 minutes

Do you want to find out quickly and accurately if you have coronavirus or not?

The OLYMP CDL branches have implemented rapid tests for the determination of the SARS-CoV-2 antigen. The test makes it possible to identify COVID-19 in the early stages of the disease when there are no symptoms yet. It is inrreplaceable in cases where the COVID status needs to be determined as soon as possible.

It is suitable for traveling to some countries (check with the tour operator and the airline).

The sampling material is mucus from the nasal pharynx

The result will be ready within 15 minutes.

Attention! The final clinical diagnosis should be made not based on the results of individual tests, but by a doctor after evaluating all clinical and laboratory results of the examination.

The link to get registered:

Find out more:

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