
Protein fractions (protein electrophoresis)

Protein performs life-affirming functions in the body, which are:

  • Construction (they are part of the cell wall);
  • Transportation (transfer of substances with the blood stream to organs);
  • Maintaining oncotic pressure (due to which the liquid part of blood does not leak through the walls of blood vessels);
  • Blood clotting (to control bleeding);
  • Nutritional (if the body lacks nutrients, it uses proteins as “fuel”);
  • Maintenance of acid-base balance of the body;
  • Regulation (proteins are hormones, enzymes and biologically active substances);
  • Protection (are involved in immune defense);
  • Maintenance of trace element levels (calcium, iron, magnesium...).

Proteins, in turn, are divided into several types: albumin, alpha1-, alpha2-, beta- and gamma-globulin. Certain groups of proteins have their own function. When a patient is tested for total protein (see “total protein”), the result is only the total amount of protein; the qualitative composition of the proteins is not shown.