
Diseases inherited - how to identify?

Have you ever wondered why some diseases occur in families from generation to generation? Why does everyone in the family have hypertension, and someone from great-grandmother to great-granddaughter all had cancer? For many years, humanity could not find answers to these questions, but in the twentieth century, thanks to the discovery of DNA and the associated rapid development of such a science "Genetics", scientists have solved hitherto unknown mechanisms. So, it became clear that information about the body is encoded in the genes, and that in addition to the characteristic appearance of mom and dad, their genetic code (DNA chain) is transmitted to the child, in which information about a person, his health and, as recent analysis show, even character is encrypted. 

These discoveries are truly revolutionary, because now doctors have become aware of the mechanisms of occurrence and inheritance of a number of diseases, including:  cancer, diabetes mellitus, Alzheimer's disease, autism, schizophrenia and many others. And today, even people far from medicine have heard about such concepts as "genetic predisposition" or "genetic disease". But what really lies behind these words is not completely clear to the layman.

The concept of "hereditary disease" includes a pathology, the occurrence and development of which is associated with defects in the genetic code and which is inherited (Down syndrome, cystic fibrosis, phenylketonuria). And "genetic predisposition to diseases" implies the possibility of developing a certain disease throughout a person's life (cancer, diabetes mellitus, Alzheimer's disease). The result of many years of research has become an opportunity to obtain complete information about the genes inherent in humans and diseases that are associated with their defect, or may develop throughout life, due to the peculiarities of the genetic code.  

But what does knowledge about the genetic nature of the disease give us? If in the case of predisposition, everything is more or less clear. After all, as they say: "Forewarned is forearmed." And knowing about the predisposition to, say, diabetes mellitus or cancer, you can prevent their occurrence. The most famous example is Hollywood star Angelina Jolie, who, after being examined and revealing a predisposition to breast cancer, made a preemptive operation, thereby protecting herself. But what about hereditary diseases? But even here the doctors have good news for you, because such a disease is not a verdict. And establishing the cause of its occurrence should be considered as a way to find the right direction for the treatment and correction of the disorder. After all, today some diseases are successfully treated, while for others, a geneticist can offer more effective methods of therapy that will significantly improve the quality of life of a child. For example, diseases such as phenylketonuria, leucinosis, the genetic nature of which has recently been established, can be successfully corrected with early diagnosis. This allows you to negate their manifestations in the baby and avoid adverse consequences. The number of diseases that can be treated and corrected is steadily increasing, which is good news.

Unfortunately, medicine and science in our country lags far behind in matters of molecular diagnostics. And until recently, the diagnosis of these diseases required a mandatory trip abroad, which, of course, is very inconvenient and expensive. But OLYMP CDL, being the leader in the market of laboratory diagnostics in Kazakhstan, is constantly expanding the range of performed tests, and strives to provide all residents of our country with modern research at the global level. So, from now on, molecular diagnostics of genetic diseases has become available for patients of OLYMP CDL. To date, you have the opportunity to examine and identify mutations in more than 2,800 genes, and diagnose one and a half thousand different genetic diseases, and this is only the first stage. In the future, this direction will develop, and the range of tests will expand. So follow our news so you don't miss it!

To get tested for genetic diseases, you can contact any treatment room of the OLYMP CDL, of which there are more than 180 in Kazakhstan.