
Coagulogram and its indicators

Each of us in our lives has suffered injuries that made us bleed, whether it was a cut or a nosebleed. And we never wondered why the blood stopped running after a few minutes … In a healthy body, the blood clotting mechanism works like clockwork, but there are many diseases that disrupt this mechanism, which leads to the risk of blood clots or vice versa - to the fact that any wound will bleed for a very long time. In both cases, this can be fatal!

In this article we will look at the laboratory values that inform us about the state of the blood system, whether we need to "thin" it, or on the contrary - to "thicken" it.

So how does the bleeding stop?

First of all, the damaged vascular wall shrinks and releases substances that attract platelets (blood cells responsible for haemostasis). The platelets are then "clogged" in the crevice of the damaged vessel and "braided" with fibrin threads. The "mesh" with platelets then shrinks and plugs the area of the ruptured artery or vein. After the wall heals, the clot is destroyed by thrombolytic enzymes.

A coagulogram is a laboratory test that detects indicators of the coagulation system. The term coagulogram includes the following indicators:

Platelets - their number tells you how "thick" the blood is.

APPT - This is the length of time it takes for a blood clot to form.

INR. The practical application of this test is to control the amount of blood thinning drugs taken. That is, it is necessary to select the right dose of the drug.

Prothrombin time - the time it takes for a blood clot to form when specific clotting factors that are formed after damage to body tissues enter the bloodstream.

Thrombin time - shows the time of fibrin formation from its precursor fibrinogen

Fibrinogen is a protein produced in the liver that is converted into fibrin, which is the basis of the clot when blood clots. Subsequently, fibrin forms a blood clot, which eventually completes the clotting process.

PTI is the ratio of the clotting time of control ("normal") plasma to the clotting time of the patient's plasma. This index reflects the processes of activation of the external pathway of coagulation.

Lupus anticoagulant - appears as a result of immune malfunction.  The body begins to attack its own vascular wall, which is manifested by increased thrombosis.

Thus, the indications for performing a coagulogram are:

- high/low blood pressure;

- prolonged bleeding, even after minor trauma;

- pregnancy or planning pregnancy;

- taking hormonal drugs, including oral contraceptives;

- preoperative preparation;

- liver disease;

- cancer;

- varicose veins, including haemorrhoids;

- stroke / heart attack in the past, or the presence in the nearest relatives;

- alcohol consumption one or more times a week; smoking;

- monitoring of the intake of blood thinning medication;

- as a screening method after the age of 50;

Coagulogram tests can do in most treatment rooms of the OLYMP CDL branches. To find out the address of the nearest treatment room where coagulogram tests are performed, please see the contacts section of the website.  


coaguloramma haemostasis blood clotting