Oncomarker CA 125 in the diagnosis of ovarian cancer
One of the most reliable markers to detect ovarian cancer at an early stage is CA 125. A blood test for this oncomarker, performed in a timely manner for preventive purposes, can help in the early diagnosis of ovarian cancer. In addition, the oncomarker allows to detect metastases six months before their clinical manifestation, which helps to assess the effectiveness of therapy in the treatment of this disease. Regular determination of CA 125 is recommended after treatment of endometriosis at intervals of 1-2 times a year.
Preventive examination of the CA 125 oncomarker
It is important to know that in small amounts, the CA 125 oncomarker is present in the mucous membrane of the uterus, however, it practically does not get into the general bloodstream. Appearance of this oncomarker in the blood in small concentrations can be observed:
- during pregnancy;
- menstruation;
- endometriosis;
- chronic pancreatitis;
- peritonitis, pleurisy, and some other diseases.
In ovarian cancer CA 125 increases 2 or more times, and in inflammatory processes, uterine myoma, endometriosis, menstruation, the increase is only a few units.
Remember that cancer cannot be diagnosed based on oncomarkers alone. At the same time, regular determination of oncomarkers in the blood allows detecting tumors at early stages, when the probability of successful treatment is very high.
CA 125 ovarian cancer oncomarkers oncomarkers