The preanalytical stage of laboratory analysis and its effect on the results of tests.
What is the preanalytical stage of laboratory analysis?
This is the stage preceding the direct laboratory analysis of the patient's sample, which includes:
Preparing the patient for analysis.
Biomaterial sampling (blood, urine, etc.).
Storage and transportation of biomaterial to the laboratory.
According to statistics from various sources, up to 70% of errors in laboratory test results are the result of violations of the rules of work at the preanalytical stage. Modern equipment used in laboratories is fully automated, which eliminates the influence of the human factor on the analysis process. In this regard, the analytical stage of laboratory analysis (directly studying the biomaterial in the laboratory) accounts for only a small proportion of errors in analysis.
Since the goal of each patient ordering laboratory tests is to obtain accurate results of these analysis from the laboratory, and, accordingly, the correct diagnosis from the doctor, it is necessary to pay special attention to the preanalytical stage of analysis in the work of the laboratory.
Before going to the laboratory, be sure to contact your consultants and specify what kind of preparation the tests that you need require. Carefully follow all the recommendations that you receive from the consultants, and do not forget that at this stage the quality of the research is directly in your hands.
The material should be collected by a specially trained procedural nurse in compliance with all rules and regulations imposed by modern standards. The biomaterial taken for analysis must be correctly labeled and delivered to the laboratory as soon as possible, while all necessary storage and transportation rules (such as temperature, humidity, etc.) must be observed.
The timing of biomaterial transportation is a very important criterion when choosing a laboratory. After all, as you know, some studies are very "capricious", and the terms of stability of the indicators determined in the biomaterial are small. For example, in the analysis of the blood coagulation system, some electrolytes (K, Na, Cl), as well as some hormones, the biomaterial must be delivered to the laboratory, and its analysis must be made as soon as possible from the moment of sampling, otherwise the diagnostic accuracy of the results obtained is reduced to zero.
Only in the OLYMP CDL branches, laboratories are located in cities of republican significance (Astana and Almaty), as well as in each regional center, which allows for the transportation of biomaterial from the treatment room to the laboratory in the shortest possible time, and thereby ensures maximum accuracy of the analysis result. In addition, in our laboratories, the probability of error at the preanalytical stage is minimized, thanks to the work of carefully trained personnel, the use of modern reusable blood sampling systems and other biomaterials, barcoding samples immediately at the sampling site, as well as meeting all modern sampling requirements based on internationally accepted standards and recommendations.
Before ordering analysis from us, you can call our contact center at 59-79-69 (for Astana and the regions) or 259-79-69 (for Almaty) and get advice on all your questions. You will receive information on how to prepare for each test, as well as information about the nearest treatment rooms and their opening hours.
You can also always visit our kdlolymp and get acquainted with the working hours of the treatment rooms in the section "Where to take it?"
Read about how to properly prepare for the tests here.