19 October 2022

October 20 is World Osteoporosis Day. Prevention of osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a disease of the bone tissues. With the development of the disease, bones lose calcium, become brittle, and break easily.

What influences the appearance of osteoporosis?

• Vitamin D deficiency
• Old age
• Low weight (less than 56kg)
• Hormonal failure
• Early menopause
• Later menarche
• Periods of amenorrhea
• Infertility
• Smoking
• Alcoholism

People over the age of 50 definitely need prevention of osteoporosis, as they are at risk.

It is especially important for women to be checked, since according to the latest data, every second woman is likely to break a bone from osteoporosis.

So, what are the steps to take if you are at risk?

First of all, this is the diagnosis of osteoporosis.

You need to get checked out and do tests, such as:

Beta-Cross Laps
Total calcium
Inorganic phosphorus
Ionized calcium

Thanks to the diagnosis, it is possible to identify the disease without bringing it to a chronic state.

All tests are available through Kazakhstan in the laboratories of OLYMP CDL.

Also, for your convenience, there is an "Osteoporosis Profile", which includes all the tests necessary for a complete diagnosis at a reasonable price.

More detailed:

(2) 59-79-69 (through Kazakhstan)

36-30-05 (for Semei)

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